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Our news

  • Available Jobs at Public Investment Corporation

    When it comes to investment management, the Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited (PIC) has over a century of experience in managing public sector funds. With R1,907 trillion in assets under management as of 31 March 2020, the PIC is one of the largest, most successful investment managers in Afric … see more


  • Recent Job Openings at Unilever

    On any given day, two billion people use Unilever products to look good, feel good and get more out of life. With more than 400 brands focused on health and wellbeing, no company touches so many people’s lives in so many different ways. Our portfolio ranges from nutritionally balanced foods to indulgent ice creams, affordable…


  • Fianance Job Openings at Moses Kotane Institute

    The Institute was established in 2007 by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs as the South African National Liberation Institute of Technology, Philosophy and Political Science (SANLITPPS). It was incorporated formally as the Moses Kotane Institute in 2009 as a non-profit company, registered in terms of the Companies Act of 2008…


  • Vacancies Available at Virgin Active South Africa

    Virgin Active was born in 1999. With 45 health clubs in the UK (8,500 employees!) and almost 250 globally, were one of the fastest-growing businesses within the Virgin Group. Were renowned for our outstanding customer service and helping our member be their personal best. Everyones welcome at Virgin Active. Young or old. Fit or unfit.…


  • Specialist, Communication at Exxaro Resources

    Exxaro is one of the largest South African-based diversified resources groups. It is listed on the JSE Limited where it is a constituent of the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) index. The group’s current business interests span South Africa, Botswana, Republic of the Congo and Australia. At present, Exxaro produces over 39 million tonnes of coal…


  • Chief Financial Officer Division – Finance at Eastern Cape Liquor Board

    The function of the ECLB is to regulate the registration of retail sales and micro manufacturing of liquor in the province. A further function of the ECLB is to advise the Member of the Executive Council of the Province for Economic Development and Environmental Affairs with regard to liquor industry matters and to exercise certain…


  • Exciting Job Openings at Curro Holdings Ltd

    Curro provides independent school education in English and Afrikaans to learners from 3 months to Grade 12, making use of an education model based on: Christian ethos and values Child friendliness Creative thinking Positive discipline


  • Jobs at Oracle

    With more than 380,000 customers-including 100 of the Fortune 100-and with deployments across a wide variety of industries in more than 145 countries around the globe, Oracle offers an optimized and fully integrated stack of business hardware and software systems. Oracle engineers hardware and software to work together in the cloud and in your data…