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Free State man sentenced to life for killing sister & attempting to kill stepmother - AJTechnicalDr.com

Free State man sentenced to life for killing sister & attempting to kill stepmother

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Free State man sentenced to life for killing sister & attempting to kill stepmother! The Free State High Court in Bloemfontein has handed a life sentence to 57-year-old Mofihli Pickson Rapabi for the brutal murder of his sister. In addition to the life term, he received a 15-year prison sentence for the attempted murder of his 81-year-old stepmother, Nozizathu Rapabi.

The tragic incident took place in Poeleng village, Qwaqwa, when Rapabi visited his family from Lenasia, Johannesburg. According to National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) regional spokesperson Mojalefa Senokoatsane, what began as a routine family gathering quickly turned violent.

A Family Dispute Turns Deadly

On the day of the incident, Nozizathu welcomed Rapabi into her home and prepared a meal for him. His 46-year-old sister, Sophie Buthelezi, was also visiting at the time and later joined them in the kitchen.

Tensions arose when Sophie did not greet her brother, prompting their mother to question the reason behind it. The situation escalated when Sophie accused Rapabi of abusing their mother. This confrontation enraged him, leading him to draw a firearm.

Sentenced to life

Without warning, Rapabi shot Sophie in the forehead. He then fired a second shot to the side of her head, fatally wounding her. The violence did not stop there. After briefly leaving the room to retrieve an item, he returned and shot his elderly stepmother in the neck.

Before fleeing, he fired a final execution-style shot into Sophie’s mouth, ensuring she had no chance of survival. Despite her critical injuries, Nozizathu managed to crawl to the gate and seek help.

A Shocking Defence Strategy

During the trial, Rapabi pleaded not guilty to both charges, claiming that he had acted in self-defense. He alleged that Sophie had threatened to pour boiling water on him and that he was forced to shoot to protect himself.

Additionally, he argued that his stepmother was accidentally shot during a struggle over the firearm. However, his version of events did not hold up under scrutiny.

Court Rejects His Claims

Under cross-examination, Rapabi admitted that Sophie was unarmed at the time of the shooting. When asked why he had not fired a warning shot instead, he initially acknowledged knowing about this option but later contradicted himself, stating he believed it was unlawful.

His defense was ultimately dismissed by the court. The judge concluded that his actions constituted an execution-style murder rather than self-defense. The court agreed with the State’s argument that Rapabi had acted with clear intent to kill, particularly since the confrontation revolved around accusations of abuse.

Justice Served

Following the trial, the court found Rapabi guilty on all charges and sentenced him to life imprisonment for Sophie’s murder. He also received an additional 15-year sentence for the attempted murder of his stepmother.

The case highlights the devastating consequences of family violence and the importance of holding perpetrators accountable. The successful prosecution reinforces the justice system’s commitment to protecting victims and ensuring that violent offenders face the full force of the law.

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