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APPLICATIONS : Only online applications will be accepted. Applications not accompanied by a
comprehensive CV and fully completed and signed Z83 form will not be
considered. Please register or if you are already registered, sign in and apply
for the position/s on the GTAC eRecruitment website

CLOSING DATE : 07 February 2025 at 12 pm.

NOTE : The GTAC is an equal-opportunity employer and encourages applications from
women and people with disabilities. Our buildings are accessible to people with
disabilities and reasonable accommodation is provided for persons with
disabilities. Applicants who previously applied for the Team Leader: Project
Management position in Circular 38 of 2024 which closed on 1 November 2024
need not re-apply. Only South African Citizens, and Permanent Residents
need to apply as per PSR 2016. Applications should be accompanied by a duly
completed and signed Z83 form (obtainable from any Public Service
department). The post title and reference number must be clearly indicated on
the Z83 form. A recent comprehensive CV should be submitted. Certified
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be required to be
submitted to HR on or before the day of the interview from shortlisted
candidates. All short-listed candidates will be subjected to security vetting to
confirm employment, personnel suitability checks and undergo an SMS
competency assessment prior to the interview. Short-listed candidates must
make themselves available for a panel interview on the date determined by
GTAC. Late applications, and those not meeting the requirements, will not be
considered. Should you not receive feedback from GTAC within 2 months of
the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. GTAC
reserves the right to fill or not fill the advertised post. Preference will be given
according to EE and Gender target. In accordance with the DPSA Directive on
Compulsory Capacity Development, Mandatory Training Days and Minimum
requirements, this SMS level appointment will be subject to the completion of
the Senior Management Pre-entry programme as endorsed by the National
School of Government. The applicants should therefore have proof that they
have registered for the Pre-entry certificate and have completed the course
before the appointment. The cost of the pre-entry certificate is at the
candidate’s expense. To access the pre-certificate course, please visit:


Term: Permanent

SALARY : R1 003 890 – R1 182 534.per annum (Level 12)
CENTRE : Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : A degree (NQF Level 7) in Economics or Development Finance. A relevant
postgraduate degree will be an added advantage. 6-10 years’ experience in
investment appraisal and/or economic research, at least 2-3 years of middle
management experience. Sound understanding of applied microeconomics.
Sound understanding of economic and/or social infrastructure sectors.
Research, analysis and report writing skills, with the ability to interpret
economic policy and its possible outcomes. Intermediate understanding of
financial modelling techniques. Understanding of the Public Sector and
knowledge of appropriate legislations and regulations. Competencies
Required: Problem Solving Analysis: The ability to understand a situation,
issues, problems, etc., by breaking it into smaller pieces or tracing the
implications of a situation in a step-by-step way. This includes organizing the
parts of a problem, situation in a systematic way, making systematic
comparisons of different features or aspects setting priorities on a rational
basis, and identifying time sequences, casual relationships. Create timely and
well-developed solutions by examining alternatives, risk and consequences.
Results Orientation: Concern for holding self and others accountable for
achieving results or for surpassing a standard of excellence. Team
Participation: The ability to work co-operatively with others, to work together as
opposed to working separately or competitively. Effective Communication:
Ability to transmit and receive information clearly and communicate effectively
to others by considering their points of view in order to respond appropriately.
This may involve listening, interpreting, formulating and delivering verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic messages. It includes the ability to convey ideals
and information in a way that brings understanding to the target audience.
Concern for Quality and Order: Desire to see things done logically, clearly and
well. It takes various forms: monitoring and checking work and information,
insisting on the clarity of roles and duties, setting up and maintaining
information system. Computer Literacy: Knowledge and ability to use
computers and technology efficiently. Refers to the comfort level someone has
with using computer programs and other applications associated with
computers (MS Office, Internet, email). Economic Principles: Basic knowledge
and understanding of economics main concepts such as supply and demand,
price marginalism. Economics: Science that studies the allocation of scarce
resources to satisfy unlimited wants. Involves analysis the production,
distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services. Policy Development
and Management: Knowledge of government policies, the legislative process
and public affairs as it pertains to NT. Includes the ability to monitor legislation
that is of interest to Treasury. Financial Analysis: The application of financial
modelling techniques as they apply to assessing capital projects, particularly
in terms of their financial cost, viability, sustainability, risks and comparison
with alternatives. Project Management: Knowledge of the principles, methods,
tools for developing, scheduling, coordinating, and managing projects and
resources, including monitoring and inspecting costs, work and contractor

DUTIES : Appraisal analysis and advice: Generate appraisal reports analysing the
various impacts of specific infrastructure projects, both existing and proposed.
Develop quantitative models to assess the expected impacts of specific
infrastructure proposals from a financial, economic, environmental and social
perspectives. Advice on the technical configuration, costing, funding,
procurement and implementation readiness of proposals. Propose alternative
ways of delivering infrastructure in an effective and efficient manner. Conduct
research and develop appraisal best practice material: Conduct research on
sectors developments, trends and topical issues related to infrastructure.
Conduct research on specific technologies that affect how infrastructure is
developed. Develop tools and methodologies that promote good appraisal
practice. Participate in capacity building initiatives and knowledge sharing
platforms. Input into policy discussions and advice on future policy
developments and their impact on infrastructure. Monitor developments related
to infrastructure development: Analysis of how to prioritise the most desirable
projects and optimise the roll-out of national infrastructure to help maximize the
economic benefits to society. Research and analysis of factors that drive
demand for various types of infrastructure projects, and how that impacts the
economy. Develop and maintain a database of relevant infrastructure related
indicators for benchmarking and quantification of impacts. Project
Management: Initiate scopes of work, draft outline reports and develop
effective project management plans. Interact and collaborate with internal and
outside stakeholders on projects. Report on project updates and progress as
well as drafting close out reports of project. Serve as a representative on
various fora related to projects.

ENQUIRIES : Kaizer Malakoane 066 2Tel No: 50 7072 /


Term: 24 months fixed-term contract

SALARY : R1 216 824.per annum (All-inclusive), (Level 13) PSR 44 will apply to
candidates appointed in the Salary Level
CENTRE : Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s Degree/ Advanced Diploma (NQF Level 7) in Development Studies,
Public Administration, Economics and related fields. Postgraduate qualification
in development studies, economics or social sciences or equivalent would be
advantageous. Training or certification statistics and quantitative
measurements. 6-8 years’ experience in monitoring reporting and evaluating
projects/programmes. At least 5 years’ experience in a middle/senior
management position. Experience in establishing and/or implementing
programme monitoring and evaluation systems using indicators and
Development Impact Reports. Experience in the design and implementation of
evaluations. Knowledge of questionnaire design and development of review
instruments. Knowledge and experience in collating and analysing quantitative
data for reporting and dissemination. Experience in the preparation of
evaluation reports for different audiences – technical, management,
government, donors and other stakeholders. Experience in the application of
leading qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and reporting
tools. Experience in managing projects with multiple stakeholders. Experience
In Working on Knowledge Management Initiatives. Competencies Required:
Client Service Orientation: Client-service orientation implies helping or serving
others, to meet their needs. It means focussing on discovering those needs,
figuring out how to best meet them as well as putting into practice the Batho
Pele spirit. Effective Communication: Ability to transmit and receive information
clearly and communicate effectively to others by considering their points of
view in order to respond appropriately. This may involve listening, interpreting,
formulating, and delivering verbal, non
-verbal, written, and/or electronic
messages. It includes the ability to convey ideas and information in a way that
brings understanding to the target audience. Networking and Influencing:
Establishes, maintains, and utilizes a relevant network of contacts in order to
keep a pulse on public, political, and internal issues and make informed
decisions. It implies an intention to persuade, convince, influence, or impress
others in order to meet the intended objectives. Organisational Awareness:
Refers to the ability to understand and learn the power relationships in one’s
own organisation or in other organisations. This includes the ability to identify
the real decision
-makers; the individuals who can influence them; and to
predict how new events or situations will affect individuals and groups within
the Department. Resilience: Ability to cap one’s emotions to avoid negative
reactions when provoked, when faced with opposition or hostility, or when
working under stress. It also includes the ability to maintain stamina under
continuing stress. Resource Planning: Organises work, sets priorities and
determines resource requirements; determines short or long
-term goals and
strategies to achieve them; coordinates with other organisations or parts of the
organisation to accomplish goals; monitors progress and evaluates outcomes.
Problem Solving and Analysis: Understanding a situation, issue, problem, etc.,
by breaking it into smaller pieces, or tracing the implications of a situation in a
-step way. It includes organising the parts of a problem, situation, etc., in
a systematic way; making systematic comparisons of different features or
aspects; setting priorities on a rational basis; and identifying time sequences,
causal relationships, or if-then relationships. Create timely and well
solutions by examining alternatives, risks and consequences. Computer
Literacy: Knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently.
Refers to the comfort level someone has with using computer programs and
other applications associated with computers (MS Office, Internet, email).
Database Management: Knowledge of the principles, procedures, and tools of
data management, such as modelling techniques, data backup, data recovery,
data dictionaries, data warehousing, data mining, data disposal, and data
standardization processes. Evaluation Methodologies: In
-depth understanding
of various methodologies in evaluation, both qualitative and quantitative, such
as surveys, record reviews, focus groups and case studies and able to identify
appropriate methodology. Project Management: Knowledge of the principles,
methods, or tools for developing, scheduling, coordinating, and managing
projects and resources, including monitoring and inspecting costs, work, and
contractor performance. Data Analysis: Relevant experience and knowledge
on how to collect reliable, valid and accurate data and perform objective

: Carrying out and attaining the mission and the goals of the Monitoring &
Evaluation (M&E) unit. Develop a company culture that emphasises quality,
continuous improvement, key employee retention and development, and high
performance. Provide oversight and direction to the employees in the
Monitoring & Evaluation unit by following the Jobs Fund’s policies and
procedures. Responsible for implementing a Jobs Fund
-wide M&E framework
and plan, with a priority focus on ensuring that the requirements of the Job
Fund are met and aligned with the National Treasury and other critical
funders/stakeholders. Manage the development processes and procedures for
accurate monitoring and evaluation. Promote the utilisation of results
monitoring and measurement in the fast
-tracking of Jobs Fund reporting
mechanisms and the development of processes and procedures for accurate
monitoring. Build the Jobs Fund’s internal learning and collaboration
processes. Promote a knowledge
-sharing and learning culture at the Jobs
Fund. Disseminate key lessons learned to improve the implementation of
projects, and the monitoring and evaluation of projects. Advocate the Fund by
sharing good practices and lessons learned with relevant stakeholders.
Monitoring, Reporting and Measurement: Provide strategic direction to the
Jobs Fund monitoring and evaluation unit. Conduct M&E training needs
assessment of the Jobs Fund programme staff and make recommendations
on how to strengthen the capacity in monitoring and evaluation accordingly.
Lead the development, implementation and coordination of an operational
M&E framework, ensuring that it meets the needs of the Jobs Fund. Enhance results-based monitoring and measurement and integrate it into the planning
phase of all projects. Provide induction and support to all relevant stakeholders
in the Jobs Fund on the M&E framework and how to integrate it within the
programme and project management of the Jobs Fund. Participate in the
development and support of multifunction systems and procedures that relate
to project management of Jobs Fund projects. Work closely with Job Fund’s
Programme management to provide targeted support to key projects to
establish M&E plans, to provide tools, manuals and guidelines and other
materials for staff. Provide guidance in the identification of sources of data,
collection and output methods. Provide support and oversight to ensure
monitoring data is gathered and reported on. Lead the review, analysis and
synthesis of monitoring data reported by all programmes/projects on a regular
basis in preparation for reporting against set Jobs Fund indicators and
Development Impact Reports (DIRs). Provide timely feedback to
programme/project staff on the quality of data, identify gaps in data in a timely
manner and work with staff to address weaknesses. Evaluation and Support:
Provide strategic inputs into the management of the Jobs Fund Evaluation
Framework and Learning Agenda. Design Project Formative, Midline, and
Summative Evaluations. Support, organise or commission evaluations and
case studies of Jobs Fund interventions as stated in programme/project M&E
plans. Ensure that evaluations are conducted regularly within available
budgets. Review and sign off on evaluations conducted externally. Lead the
analysis, synthesis and where relevant integration of results of evaluations.
Lead the development of Terms of Reference for evaluations and manage the
service provider selection process. Utilise evaluation results to improve project
roll-out and to identify and appraise new projects. Support partners in the
development of results chains for their projects. Provide
advice/information/guidance to project managers and partners on the most
appropriate evaluation methodology for their projects. Promote and Enhance
Learning: Lead the analysis and synthesis of findings from project evaluations.
Initiate awareness sessions with stakeholders on evaluation, self-evaluation,
project close-out and results-based management. Facilitate and coordinate
information sharing. Guide the M&E team in performing benchmarking and
research exercises on job creation, sustainability and systemic change.
Manage research outputs and facilitate the implementation of research findings
and recommendations. Initiate the creation of a network platform with internal
and external stakeholders in the establishment of dialogue on the outcomes of
evaluation results. Engage in activities related to the synthesis and
dissemination of lessons learned by the Jobs Fund. Client Liaison: Develop
and maintain relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Develop an
exchange of experiences by participating in any existing network of relevant
research about job creation, employability and systemic change. Conduct
awareness sessions of results-based monitoring, reporting and measurement
of tools and systems. Develop the strategy for the dissemination of learnings
from case studies, reviews and project evaluations. Research and
Development Processes: Embark on research and benchmark projects with
established international institutions on best practices pertaining to monitoring,
and evaluation. Integrate findings, and trends into future developments and
tools pertaining to monitoring and evaluation practices, which will benefit the
government as a whole. Conduct long- and short-term research, analysis, and
information-gathering assignments in support of evaluation and learning
efforts. Manage assessment and progress reporting efforts. Manage, analyse,
and effectively visualise large and complex data sets. Coordinate and respond
to internal and external requests for data and data analysis. Management of
Data and Systems: Develop and maintain tools in support of the monitoring,
evaluation and reporting for records purposes and future references. Monitor
the evaluation of reports and keep a record of discrepancies and oversights for
enhancement of processes and procedures. Evaluate the validity and integrity
of information against said norms and standards. Identify opportunities to
optimise the Job Fund’s collection, use, and management of data. Develop and
conduct training for Jobs Fund staff on the use of systems and effective data
collection, use, and visualisation. Simplify complex systems and processes into
user-friendly guidance for staff. Collaborate with the grants management
system (Grants Management System) team and unit staff on broader system
enhancements. Monitoring and Evaluation System: Develop the overall
framework of the monitoring and evaluation activities. Document
responsibilities and prepare a work plan and detailed budget for the monitoring and evaluation activities. Ensure that realistic intermediate and end-of-project
targets are defined. Establish an effective system for assessing the validity of
monitoring and evaluation data through a review of activities. Draft tools and
their revisions as well as data collection procedures (e.g. logical framework,
project performance tracking, indicators, data flow chart, M&E manuals).
Define and implement the key project performance indicators (Key
Performance Indicators) as well as monitor them throughout the duration of
projects. Implementation Framework: Design the framework for the physical
and process monitoring of project activities. Develop and publish a Monitoring
and Evaluation works plan. Promote a results-based approach to monitoring
and evaluation, emphasising results and impacts. Coordinate the preparation
of all monitoring and evaluation reports. Provide guidelines to business units
and JF partners for preparing reports in line with agreed-upon standards.
Prepare management reports for implementation progress and challenges
together with recommendations. Undertake regular visits to the fields to
support implementation of monitoring and evaluation. Monitor the quality of
data produced and identify where adaptations might be needed. Monitor the
follow-up of evaluation recommendations with project managers. Promote
collaborative planning and monitoring with business units. Provide refresher
training in monitoring and evaluation for Jobs Fund Partners (JFPs). End User
Accountability: Develop field complaints mechanism, related processes and
procedures to ensure that business units have access to and are able to
respond to JF partners. Coordinate with business units the implementation of
complaints mechanism including the quality and timeliness of replies provided
to JFPs. Provide regular summaries of key issues raised through complaints
mechanism to senior staff with recommendations. Support business units and
JFPs to internalise the feedback received through the complaints system to
enhance the quality of activities and services. Conduct studies and research
on cross-cutting issues on the causes and roots of problems identified through
complaints mechanisms or other sources. Communication, Reporting,
Monitoring & Training: Assist Programme Development/Grants Management
in establishing log frames, M&E work plans, and targets during the drafting of
project proposals as well as throughout project implementation. Identify the
causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation and enhance the
quality of reporting. Coach, mentor and develop staff, including overseeing new
employee onboarding and providing career development planning and
opportunities. Empower employees to take responsibility for their jobs and
goals. Delegate responsibility and expect accountability and regular feedback.
Lead employees using a performance management and development process
that provides an overall context and framework to encourage employee
contribution and includes goal setting, feedback, and performance
development planning.

ENQUIRIES : HR Enquiries: Kaizer Malakoane 066 250 7072
Technical Job Enquiries:

NOTE : Calling all Evaluation & Learning Specialists with experience in applied
research, formative, mid-term and summative evaluations, data analysis,
policy development and report writing to apply for a position at the Jobs Fund.
Are you passionate about impact investing and the measurement thereof?
Would you like to work for one of the world’s largest job creation Challenge
Funds? Would you like to make a positive difference and contribute to
employment growth in South Africa? Do you have the skill and passion to work
with a team committed to driving social impact through private-public
partnerships? If yes, then consider working for the Jobs Fund.

We wish you all the best with your applications.

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