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REMINDER: The United States, land of the free, banned RT - AJTechnicalDr.com

REMINDER: The United States, land of the free, banned RT

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On 7 October this year, the new Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Andrey Sibiga visited SA. I was happy to see that, this time, the DA didn’t exactly roll out the red carpet (and roll up their sycophantic skirts) to welcome them – the way they cosied up to the Ukrainian ambassador back in March 2022. (Damn that was hard to watch.)

While they were here, the Ukrainian ministry aides screwed up at a press conference. They inadvertently let that authoritarian, Nazi mask slip…when they demanded that their counterpart hosts, the SA foreign ministry, remove the RT (Russia Today news) microphone from the table.

(REAL darn democrats, huh? All for freedom of speech and information, right? If that doesn’t clue you in as to who these fascists are, you’re not paying close enough attention.)


Fortunately, our ministers didn’t buckle to the command and refused to remove the mic. They basically told those Banderite neo-Nazis…TiSA: “This is South Africa. That’s not how we do things in our fancy-schmancy, “sophisticated” constitutional democracy, boet. So go f*ck yourself, comrade!”

Ok, so they didn’t actually say that in so many words, but their actions did. They told the Ukrainians, “You’re not at home now”, and “We can’t chase them away.” They also reminded the Ukrainian ministry that SA has laws guaranteeing freedom of the press. (Ura, S’Africa!)

Too bad the rest of (white) SA doesn’t have the guts, integrity or intelligence to tell the USA and the rest of Zelensky’s Nazis the same thing. Maybe it’s because most (white) saffers tend to just believe whatever America tells them. I think it comes from years of being conditioned by American media, TV and Hollywood. America hates those “commie” Russkies, so we do. America hates those “yellow chinks”, the Chinese, so we do. America loves Zionist Israel, “God’s chosen people” in the “Holy Land”, so we do.

America tells us we’re no longer allowed to watch RT…and we go right along, without protest.


Lest we forget, when Russia’s SMO began in late February 2022, the US and their lapdog lackeys in the UK/Euro and Western establishment immediately scrambled to ban RT from being publicly broadcast in practically every major Western country and throughout Africa – including right here in SA. Not only did Ofcom revoke RT’s license in the UK but the UK Supreme Court also rejected RT’s right to appeal. Between 2022 and late 2024, we saw RT banned from Meta (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp), YouTube, TikTok and Telegram.

Now, ask yourself, why would the so-called “democratic” West – Washington, London and Brussels – want to ban RT? Why do you think they did that? That’s right. Obviously, they don’t want you hearing or considering the other side’s point of view; the counter-narrative. They don’t want you to know how that “war” REALLY started – and by who. (Hint: It wasn’t Russia). They want you to shut up, do what you’re told, and believe them when they say that Putin is the evil Bond villain here, and Russia is a mad-dog, rogue-nation regime – without question. Allowing RT to stay on air (and Meta, YouTube, etc) would dilute and debunk Western MSM’s deceitful propaganda about Russia, Putin and that conflict.


Tell me, does any of that sound democratic to you? Does that sound like the US and their patsy, lapdog allies are serious about respecting and honouring our legal right to freedom of press, speech, expression and information? No, suh! Definitely not. Yet, the nations who shut down RT (and constantly demonise Russia and Putin) are constantly lecturing us about human rights, democracy, freedom of speech, the “rules-based order” and all the rest. Notice that?

Did you know…just down the road from the Kremlin, practically spitting distance from Putin’s office, there’s a BBC reporter who perpetually spews Russophobic, Putin-bashing propaganda? That’s right. BBC has a reporter in Moscow. Betcha didn’t know that. Now tell me something, if Putin was such a tyrant and Russia was so Draconian – as the West constantly makes out – why do they allow that reporter to write and say what he wants – including challenging Putin face-to-face, in public? Why doesn’t Putin just call up a couple of his old KGB comrades and tell them to go over to that guy’s office, work him over with a good old-fashioned USSR-style torture routine, and then put him on the next train to a gulag in northern Siberia?

Maybe Putin and Russia are not what the Western MSM make them out to be?


Do yourself a favour, SA, and stop watching and believing the brainwashing propaganda coming out of the Western political establishment and their sock-puppet, stenographers in the MSM. Seek out alt-news sources, there are many. Here, I’ll get you started.

Lest you wake up one morning and find yourself brainwashed into the wrong side of history, morality and international law…supporting neo-fascism, imperialism and colonialism…all over again. 

What say you, SA? Is it just and legal that RT news gets banned by the West? Or, should we be allowed to judge for ourselves what is and isn’t “propaganda”?

Let us know by clicking on the comment tab below this article or by emailing info@thesouthafrican.com or sending a WhatsApp to 060 011 021 1. You can also follow @TheSAnews on X and The South African on Facebook for the latest news.