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Renosterberg Local Municipality, a Category A Municipality with its seat in Petrusville hereby invites applications from suitably qualified candidates who are committed, self-driven, motivated, service delivery oriented and high performance professional/practitioners for the position of MUNICIPAL MANAGER.

SALARY: All-inclusive remuneration package between (Minimum) R1 072 071.00 (Midpoint) R1 174 060.00
(Maximum) R1 291 466.00 as per Government Gazette no. 37245 of 17 January 2014.

DURATION: This is a 5-year fixed term performance-based contract and will not exceed a period of one year after the election of the next council. The successful candidate will be required to sign an employment contract before commencement of duty, a performance agreement and disclosure of financial interest.

Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration/ Political Science/ Social Sciences/ Law or equivalent. A postgraduate degree would be an added advantage. Compliance with the minimum competency levels as prescribed by the Government Gazette No. 29967 of 15 June 2007 is essential. Candidates who are not in possession of the Municipal Finance Management Act minimum competency certificate will be given an opportunity to obtain such certificate within 18 months if appointed. A minimum of five (5) years’ experience at senior management level, preferably in Local Government. Extensive experience in financial management, policy development and management,strategic planning and implementation, programmed management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting on service delivery. Valid
driver’s license free from endorsements is required

Advanced knowledge and understanding ofrelevant Local government policies and legislation, institutional governance systems, Performance management systems, Council operations, Delegation of powers, Audit and Risk management establishment and functionality, Budget and Financial management.

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: As head of administration and accounting officer will be responsible for carrying out all the duties of the Municipal Manager as contained in section 55 of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000. Implement the municipality’s integrated development plan and monitor its progress in terms of implementation. Responsible for the formation and development of an economic, effective, efficient and accountable administration. Manage the municipality’s administration in accordance with the Municipal Systems Act (MSA) and other applicable legislation.
Manage the provision of services to the local community in a sustainable and equitable manner. Appoint staff other than those referred to in terms of section 56 of the MSA, subject to the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998. Ensure effective utilization, training and discipline of staff. Provide sound and strategic advice to political structures and political office-bearers of the municipality. Manage communication between the municipality’s administration and its political structures. Exercise any powers and duties delegated by the municipal council, or sub-delegated by other delegating authorities of the municipality, to the Municipal Manager. Ensure the implementation of national and provincial legislation applicable to the municipality. Perform any other function that may be assigned by the Municipal

Application must disclose:

  • CV
  • Academic qualifications, proven experience and competencies (certified copies of qualifications and to be attached) and ID.
  • Contactable references,
  • Full details of dismissal for any misconduct if applicable.
  • Any disciplinary procedures instituted at previous employment and any other relevant documentation to support the candidate’s application.

Please Note: Candidates are required to complete the prescribed “Annexure C” application form as per Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers Government Notice 21 Government Gazette 37245 dated 17 January 2014 which is obtainable from the internet at or on the Pixley ka Seme District Municipality; (failure to do so will result in the candidate being disqualified)
Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to security vetting/screening, verification of qualifications and
employment history/reference check and competency assessment and should disclose financial interests.

Council reserves the right not to continue with the recruitment process for any valid reason.
Renosterberg Local Municipality is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and employment equity, especially in terms of race, gender and disability. Applicants from these designated groups are encouraged to apply.

Correspondence will only be entered into with shortlisted candidates. Applicants not contacted within 30 days of the closing date may safely assume that their applications were not successful. The Council nevertheless appreciates the interest shown by applicants.

The closing date for applications is Friday, 17 March 2025 at 16:00

Technical enquiries be directed to the Acting Corporate Services Director at or Ms. J. M Olyn from Human Resources Department at 053-050-5584.

The Executive Mayor, Cllr A. Samson
Renosterberg Local Municipality
PO Box 112


REF: 4.3.R

Renosterberg Local Municipality, a Category A Municipality with its seat in Petrusville hereby invites applications from suitably qualified candidates who are committed, self-driven, motivated, service delivery oriented and high performance professional/practitioners for the position of CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER.

SALARY: All-inclusive remuneration package between (Minimum) R 880 228.00 (Midpoint) R 978 031.00 (Maximum) R1 075 833.00 as per Government Gazette no. 37245 of 17 January 2014.


  • B. Com Degree in the fields Accounting, Finance or Economics or equivalent. A postgraduate degree would be an
    added advantage.
  • Compliance with the minimum competency levels as prescribed by the Government Gazette No. 29967 of 15 June
    2007 is essential as amended by Government Notice 1146 dated 26 October 2018.
  • Candidates who are not in possession of the Municipal Finance Management Act minimum competency certificate
    will be given an opportunity to obtain such certificate within 18 months if appointed.
  • A minimum of five (5) years’ experience at middle management level, preferably in Local Government or similar
  • Extensive knowledge of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act of 2003, National Treasury
    Regulations and all other related legislation, policies and regulations;

Advanced knowledge and understanding of relevant Local government policies and legislation, institutional governance systems, Performance management systems, Council operations, Delegation of powers, Audit and Risk management establishment and functionality, Budget and Financial management.


  • Perform all delegations by the Accounting Officer in terms of the MFMA, and any other duties or functions that
    may be assigned by the Accounting Officer;
  • Compile the Municipal Budget and Annual Financial Statements and control all the municipality’s Bank Accounts;
  • Managing, planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling activities of staff at the Budget and
    Treasury Office, as well as Supply Chain Management unit;
  • Contribution to strategic planning and budget alignment and reporting to the management team;
  • Development of MTREF in line with the requirements of the MFMA accommodating all departments /units;
  • Develop and implement a budget spent management system to monitor the budget to prevent over or under
  • Provide consolidated monthly management reports;
  • Establish functional debt management and billing units to promote financial sustainability of the municipality;
  • Implementation of the MFMA Implementation Plan and install compliance with MFMA to uphold the credibility
    of the municipality by enabling the municipality to obtain an unqualified audit report;
  • Compilation of all financial policies and procedures to ensure sound and sustainable financial management;
  • Manage relationship with external stakeholders including the office of the AG, Treasury, SARS, creditors and Banks;
  • Ensure adequate infrastructure capability and office administration;
  • Build and maintain business intelligence and content management capability;

Application must disclose:

  • CV
  • Academic qualifications, proven experience and competencies (certified copies of qualifications and to be
    attached) and ID.
  • Contactable references,
  • Full details of dismissal for any misconduct if applicable
  • Any disciplinary procedures instituted at previous employment and any other relevant documentation to support
    the candidate’s application

Please Note: Candidates are required to complete the prescribed “Annexure C” application form as per Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers Government Notice 21 Government Gazette 37245 dated 17 January 2014 which is obtainable from the internet at or on the Pixley ka Seme District Municipality; (failure to do so will result in the candidate being disqualified)
Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to security vetting/screening, verification of qualifications and employment history/reference check and competency assessment and should disclose financial interests.

Renosterberg Local Municipality is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and employment equity, especially in terms of race, gender and disability. Applicants from these designated groups are encouraged to apply.

Correspondence will only be entered into with shortlisted candidates. Applicants not contacted within 30 days of the closing date may safely assume that their applications were not successful. The Council nevertheless appreciates the interest shown by applicants.

The closing date for applications is Friday, 17 March 2025 at 16:00

Technical enquiries be directed to the Acting Corporate Services Director at or Ms. J.M Olyn from the Human Resources Department at 053-050-5584

Acting Municipal Manager
Mr. T. A Barnett
Renosterberg Local Municipality
PO Box 112

Click here to apply

We wish you all the best with your applications

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